White supremacy as suicidal liberalism

November 30, 2015 § 11 Comments

The liberal narrative is that the white race is the traditional reactionary authoritarian anti-liberal oppressor-untermensch, standing in the way of the emergence of the free and equal new man, a new man emancipated from the tyrannical political chains of unfair history and arbitrary nature.

This is almost exactly the opposite of the truth.  The actual reality is that white flesh encloses vastly more militantly tolerant political liberalism than all other races of flesh combined.  Other races make great cultural, economic, and actual cannon fodder for white liberals.  But the white race just is, congenitally as a matter of physical descent as well as cultural allegiance, the homogenized European melting pot descendants of liberals from disparate European ethnicities.

As the saying goes, guns don’t kill people: people kill people. Immigration (or pick your own favorite area of suicidal liberal policy insanity) doesn’t kill white liberal societies of generically European descent.  White liberal societies of generically European descent kill white liberal societies of generically European descent.

That is part of what makes “white supremacy” so ironic: the white race already rules supreme; and its ruling philosophy is liberalism.

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