The druid abides

July 24, 2017 § 9 Comments

The house always wins.

Of course, the house doesn’t always win, if we take the term “always” literally.

What the saying actually means is that the house wins just a little bit on average; and that winning-a-little-bit-on-average is good enough to assure its long term triumph: the long term defeat of its enemies, foreign and domestic.

A finger on the scale is all it takes to make the house win on average, with a time horizon that encompasses more than just the fleeting hope of winning a jackpot today that we would have considered impoverishment yesterday. The secret to winning a long game, against a wizard who keeps an invisible finger on the scale, is to unequivocally refuse to play at all.

Gamblers come and go. The druid abides.

Unless we exorcise him.

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