A nazi under every bed. Or is that a jew under every bed?

September 18, 2015 § 8 Comments

Free Northerner points out that leftists always think the country is moving to the right because that is the only way they can explain, to themselves, the failures of their policies.  If the country were really moving leftward the outcomes that leftist’s expect would be occurring.  Because those outcomes are not in fact occurring, the consensus views of the country must be moving further away from their basic views not toward their basic views.  The emergence of the prosperous free and equal new man is being impeded from without by traditionalist oppressors; otherwise it would have already occurred.

When liberal policies fail to produce the free and equal new man – the superman, self-created through reason and will, emancipated politically from the chains of backward history and arbitrary claims of “nature,” free to live his own life as he sees fit – a person who is committed to liberalism has two choices.

One road, rarely taken, is to abandon liberalism entirely and unequivocally: the road of repentance.

The other road, wide and well worn, is to blame the failures of liberalism on a less-than-human oppressor-untermensch.

As I wrote a while back at W4,

One of the most delicious and horrifying ironies of our modern/postmodern condition is that the Nazi, who is a heretic from liberalism precisely because he makes the Low Man (and programs for his extermination) completely explicit, now counts as the paradigmatic Low Man himself.

§ 8 Responses to A nazi under every bed. Or is that a jew under every bed?

  • Svar says:

    The Jews were/are a problem since the days of Christ. Imo, talking about Cultural Marxists without mentioning Jewish involvement is like talking about AIDS without mentioning HIV.

    I find the comparison between a bunch of fanatic secular nationalists and the community and nation destroying liberals to be an odd comparison similar to Jonah Goldberg’s intellectually lazy (not saying that you are, you are anything but) book Liberal Fascism.

    Right now we are living in a similar situation to that of the Weimar Republic in which a small hostile elite is both fleecing the country and destroying it’s morals at the same time. Middle America is awakening and is angry. This is why Trump is so popular, he gives voice to the anger of the people. America hasn’t forgotten the gay cakes, the Phil Robertson/Eich/Chik-Fil-A ordeal, legalized sodomarriage, the three large race riots instigated by an amoral media and a purposefully divisive president, Fast and Furious, and the phony Border Crisis.

    A backlash is imminent.

  • Zippy says:


    …a small hostile elite…

    That is deluded. Things are the way they are because this – where we are now – is where the basic commitments of our society as a whole lead.

  • Mark Citadel says:

    I totally missed that you had begun writing again. d’oh!

    You’re totally right on this. The intricacy of our political fluctuation always amaze me. At the same time Conservatives are deluding themselves that Conservatism has ever conserved anything, Liberals think Christian fascism is constantly battering at the gates even as they harvest the organs of children without consequence or raised eyebrow. It’s like a web of delusion!

  • Zippy says:

    Mark Citadel:

    At the same time Conservatives are deluding themselves that Conservatism has ever conserved anything, Liberals think Christian fascism is constantly battering at the gates even as they harvest the organs of children without consequence or raised eyebrow.

    From an outside perspective it looks insane. But liberals (which includes almost all modern people) are ironically so narrow-minded that they see other kinds of liberals as the farthest pole of conceivable political opposition. Even most who manage to permit their thoughts to stray outside of the Overton window (e.g. the “HBD” types, etc) tend to do so in quite predictable ways.

    You can think of modern politics as a mental prison composed of a soft chewy center of left-right faux opposition – differing mainly on how many and which particular unprincipled exceptions to liberalism are allowed – surrounded by a hard and impenetrable shell of Nazi. Few actually escape from it in to the real world.

  • […] exceptions to liberalism are allowed. Surrounding this soft chewy comfortable center is a hard and impenetrable shell of Nazi just outside of the Overton window.  When someone on the right looks left, he sees the gulags. […]

  • Mark Citadel says:

    haha. the hard and impenetrable shell of Nazi. I like that. Encapsulates Liberal paranoia.

  • Zippy says:

    Mark Citadel:

    Encapsulates Liberal paranoia.

    It isn’t just paranoia though. Liberalism creates naziism and the like by driving the truth of natural hierarchies and divisions underground. These truths (e.g. women are made to be led by men, ethnic loyalty is an extension of family loyalty and loving your family especially doesn’t mean you hate other families, etc.) don’t disappear, as the liberal wants them too: they just express themselves sociopathically.

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