Undemocratic racist kill ratios

August 7, 2018 § 35 Comments

I don’t know if the sleeping Anglo-European white warrior will ever really reawaken. It doesn’t seem that likely to me, frankly. It certainly isn’t something to hope for: if he does, the world should tremble. No other creature has ever shown anything close to the capacity for organized mass violence that we have within us.

One of the things that I find interesting about man-hating white-hating politics though is the democratic political assumption: the assumption that once the white man is a ‘minority’, the POC-SJW coalition of freaks will have him right where they want him, because – wait for it – they will be able to outvote him. Tremble at the power!

These folks don’t seem to have taken stock of actual historical kill ratios when small handfuls of US marines have taken on large groups of more pigment-challenged enemies.

§ 35 Responses to Undemocratic racist kill ratios

  • Roman Lance says:

    I don’t see it happening either. There are too many white knights who want to save women and non-whites from the wrath of the white man.

    I imagine there are many white men who are so hungry for female attention that they would nuke the entire world if it would prove to the “goddess” he was worthy of her affection.

    Also the amount of change required to motivate white men to rise up and subdue our new masters (women and their enabler men) is simply to grand to comprehend.

    Their may be skirmishes here and there, but nothing rising to the level of full blown awakened whites as a general ideation pooling in our collective mind.

    They should bow down and pray to whatever god they worship that I am right, otherwise they will feel real pain like they have never experienced.

    And we won’t care.

  • LarryDickson says:

    In case you didn’t notice, in the last election, following the rules enshrined in the Constitution for electing the President, they failed to outvote him.

    Here is a term for you: “the 32%”. That is the percentage of people under 40 in the USA census who are male and white or Asian. They are the only group that is specifically authorized to be discriminated AGAINST in awarding federal SBIR contracts or the like. Everyone else gets special preferential treatment (women, blacks, Hispanics, Native Americans, etc).

    How did the 32% manage to win? Because they were motivated by the impending destruction of their families due to getting the brunt of “secular stagnation” (isn’t that a cute term?). They are currently being joined by an increasing percentage of black men, who are noticing that they have been exploited by what you correctly call the “coalition of freaks”. And a lot of women, when they think it over, take sides against the destruction of their sons and husbands.

    We need to use all the tools available to us, and not just concede whole fields (like voting power) to the devil.

  • djz242013 says:

    @LarryDickinson have you read what zippy says about voting? https://zippycatholic.wordpress.com/2012/11/02/the-bus-stops-here/

  • Rhetocrates says:

    While I agree about the likelihood of a present Anglo-European rising, I’d say that a reliable marker of such a rising would be the final cessation of the most efficient murder campaign ever inflicted upon the world.

  • Pedantry: I’d argue that the Asians, specifically the Mongols and the Japanese, are capable of a ruthlessness and brutality rivaled by…well, just about nobody.

  • c matt says:

    I really don’t see much of an uprising on the make. Sure, there are those with a strong sense of duty (if muted) that might wish for such an uprising, and even support it if they can. But the larger portion of those needed to do it are more likely MGTOW. So the POCs want power to lord it over us? Have at it. The MGTOWs will just do enough to survive on video games and casual sex, and to heck with commitment and “civilization building.” Let those who think they can do civilization better do the heavy lifting; MGTOW will be shooting pool in the local pub living off 50 quid a day. Maybe, after everywhere is Venezuela, the POCs might want the white guy back.

  • Zippy says:


    When it comes to kill ratio, though, nobody has proven more accomplished at making the other guy die for his country than white Anglo-Europeans.

  • Ian says:

    Although if there were to be some sort of civil war, it wouldn’t be whites versus colored people people of color, it would be white people versus other white people.

    I also think it unlikely that the Anglo-European white warrior will reawaken. Although I suppose these strident and vicious attacks on the white race are more direct than many earlier leftwing depredations: earlier depredations (e.g., ‘gay marriage’) were perhaps easier just to grumble about or shrug off as not affecting me directly.

  • TomD says:

    To be fair, Zippy, when it comes to making their own countrymen die, white Anglo -Europeans have some competition (but not much), and still come out on top.

    And I think both sides that want to see “race war now” are seriously underestimating the results.

  • Is that really true? The Mongols created by a fair margin the largest empire of all time.

    I’m really arguing for the sake of arguing, the point is fine.

  • Hezekiah Garrett says:

    I believe the competition is for stacks of bodies, not acreage. Advantage Anglo-Europa.

  • Without looking up anything, I’m still not convinced of that. To get that much acreage you need to make quite the stack of bodies.

  • William Luse says:

    The Mongol empire is not measured just by acreage. It is estimated that they killed between 12 and 40,000,000 people, depending on the latest guesswork. They accomplished this without modern methods of extermination, though, like Stalin, used famine as a weapon, and even tried a primitive form of biological warfare. World War II was the deadliest in history – an estimated 60,000,000 killed by one means or another, but the Khan Mongols remain very impressive, Genghis especially, if one is impressed by numbers.

  • Rhetocrates says:

    killed between 12 and 40,000,000 people…

    estimated 60,000,000 killed by one means or another

    Rookie numbers.

  • Zippy says:

    Since we are being pedantic, I’ll point out that the OP is explicitly referencing kill ratios: how many of their fighters die versus how many of our fighters die.

    The point wasn’t that Anglo-Europeans maximize body count, it was the perhaps more subtle and undemocratic observation that Anglo-Europeans versus non-Anglo-Europeans maximizes the kill ratio.

    A kill ratio of 100:1 doesn’t care if the non-Anglo party holds a 75% majority at the polls.

  • Scott W. says:

    I was watching the headlines on the pre mid-term elections if you can imagine such. Is it me or have all elections become reduced to a referendum on the current POTUS? Kinda like Seinfeld’s observation that since sports teams shuffle players and assemble hired hands from all four corners of the globe that fans a basically just rooting for the jersey.

  • Ian says:

    There were elections?

  • Cane Caldo says:

    These folks don’t seem to have taken stock of actual historical kill ratios when small handfuls of US marines have taken on large groups of more pigment-challenged enemies.


    Astoundingly efficient modern weapons and tactics ARE Anglo-European. I don’t know the name of the fallacy, but to ruminate on how many more people the Mongol warriors could have killed with modern weapons and tactics is to ask what the Mongols could have accomplished if they had instead been Anglo-European warriors.

    What Marines have which Anglo-European men don’t (and which makes Marines so effective and A-Es so sleepy) is a belief that a significant percentage of those they protect appreciate the Marines, depend on the Marines, respect the Marines, and generally approve of the Marines’ job. Currently, A-E women not only withhold such encouragement, but actively stamp it out.

  • King Richard says:

    An anecdotal insight, if you will forgive me.
    Years ago I was working with a group of African diplomats at a ‘mixed’ building [some diplomats, some corporate types]. There was a younger Nigerian man, in IT I believe, who had been harassing a White corporate worker. It had started innocently enough, I heard from others; a bit of a bump at the shared cafeteria and some harsh words (Nigerian to American). But the Nigerian kept it up, and kept escalating.
    A friend of mine who worked with the Nigerian asked me to help stop the situation. Boiled down, the Nigerian had cursed the American and received only a meek apology. The Nigerian was convinced the American was a total coward. He never raised his voice, he never threatened, he never fought back. The Nigerian held him in utter contempt and was certain his escalation to insults to bumps to a hidden slap or two was funny because the coward would never respond.
    My friend said (paraphrase),
    ‘I have worked with Germans, French, British, Irish, and Americans. and they are all similar. He is treating you like you were another European.’
    ‘They are all cowards?’
    ‘No, he is trying to save you. I have learned from all over the world a simple rule; do not push a European. In Africa if you bump into a man you curse each other, perhaps a punch is thrown, then all is well. A European will smile and meekly apologize. In Asia if two people are angry at each other they will yell, shove, even hit, then resolve it. Europeans will discuss it at length then apologize or avoid each other.’
    ‘This is not cowardice. It is not fear. It is an instinctive response and attempt to defuse the situation before they decide they *must* do something. I have seen this before; someone pushes and pushes. The European stops smiling. Then they stop apologizing. Then they politely warn you. Then they kill you.’
    ‘No, I am not kidding. When you and a mate throw a few punches at the bar over a spilled drink you are proving you are not a coward, you are showing your strength, and all you want to do show off a bit. Europeans don’t think like that; they see fighting very differently than we do. You push him and think ‘I am having fun with a coward’. He smiles and apologized because he does not want to go to prison for murder. But if you keep pushing one day you will knock his tie into his soup and before you finish your first laugh he will have killed you.’
    ‘Let them sleep. It is better.’

    The teasing ended when everyone else agreed.

  • I have no real objection with any of this post or even really the responses. I’m just shitposting a bit. Carry on.

  • William Luse says:

    “The point wasn’t that Anglo-Europeans maximize body count…”

    But before mentioning kill-ratio you did say that “No other creature has ever shown anything close to the capacity for organized mass violence that we have within us.” These two things aren’t the *same* thing.

    But I’m not clear what the point of the post is. Is it that we sleeping Anglo warriors needn’t “tremble” at the prospect of a multi-cultural leftist coalition eventually outvoting us and consequently turning the country into a third-world hell hole because…kill-ratio?

    Some might hope that the civil war comes before, rather than after, that turn of events.

    I do agree that I don’t think such an awakening likely since pathetically few of our young, Anglo-European snoozing warriors volunteer for our all-volunteer force, and even fewer are eligible were they so inclined. They are not marines-in-the-making and never will be. They are drunks passed out on the couch.

  • Zippy says:

    The point of the post is that the democratic political assumption behind man-hating white-hating progressive politics – that electoral majority equals actual power – is contrary to reality.

  • Cane Caldo says:

    William Luse:

    Some might hope that the civil war comes before, rather than after, that turn of events.

    I do agree that I don’t think such an awakening likely since pathetically few of our young, Anglo-European snoozing warriors volunteer for our all-volunteer force, and even fewer are eligible were they so inclined. They are not marines-in-the-making and never will be. They are drunks passed out on the couch.

    Then you ought to consider a better form of encouragement. C’mon, man: The Boomers have already proved that disregard for, and smugness towards, young men won’t do the trick.

  • Patrick says:

    Yeah, voting only works so well in White countries because whites go along with it and enforce the results. Disenfranchised White men with nothing to lose will pretty quickly become…unmanageable.

  • T. Morris says:

    It’s hard to imagine a white man being *legitimately* disinfranchized In a country wherein he comprises at least a third of the eligible voting population. But OK.

  • Ian says:

    Shouldn’t Mike T. be all over this thread? This topic seems right up his alley.

  • Cane Caldo says:

    For the record, I read some emphasis into organized from the phrase “organized mass violence”. Maybe I misunderstood, but I didn’t see a statement that A-E men are individually more brutal, ruthless, etc. than men of other ethnicities, but that we have a genius for organizing–and being organized for–battle in a more effective way.

  • Patrick says:

    Well if nothing changed other than white people becoming a minority you could probably end up with a situation akin to South Africa. Depends how many reparations the democratic majority wants to impose.

  • Mike T says:

    I think at this point it’s impossible to say what is going to happen. I think 2016 to present proves that culturally and politically the previous decades of fairly predictable linear progression are over.

    The way the left closed ranks around Sarah Jeong has shaken mainstream conservatives because of all it implies about the racial status quo. The deplatforming of anyone who seriously threatens the SJW establishment in Silicon Valley is now not only open, but brazen. Then there is Antifa. Say the wrong thing, and you’ll get beaten until blood is gushing out of you with a bike lock on a chain and the DA will slap your assailant with probation (Eric Clanton, btw).

    As King Richard pointed out, we’re slow to respond for many reasons. However, the existence and rapid growth of Patriot Prayer and the Proud Boys suggests another inflection point was or is about to be hit. Part of that is because Antifa seems to be living out the old saying “those whom the gods would destroy they first drive mad.” Madness like being surprised when they get punched back and then deciding to use weapons while failing to note that we are the side they say are dangerous gun nuts.

  • Mike T says:


    Re: SA, the hand-wringers who have written off the whites have failed to note two things that impact SA that didn’t impact Rhodesia:

    1. There are way too many whites for them to quickly flee abroad–no country is going to want to air lift a few million white refugees.

    2. SA really hasn’t pushed its collective luck up until this point. The ANC vs white minority fight has largely played out as a collective version of King Richard’s story.

    After initial successes, I think the ANC would not only be routed, but pushed to the brink by the Boers. They’re not Jews. They’re not going to get on the trains. They’re going to massacre the blacks even joking about that and load their corpses on the trains instead.

  • TomD says:

    Speaking of kill ratios.

  • Matt says:

    Well if nothing changed other than white people becoming a minority you could probably end up with a situation akin to South Africa. Depends how many reparations the democratic majority wants to impose.

    South Africa and Rhodesia are interesting case studies, but possibly not that predictive. In both cases the collapse of minority rule came about due to international pressure (from white majority countries) and was at made more viable to the minority because emigration was a possibility (to white majority countries).

    Without those factors, who knows?

  • Patrick says:

    “After initial successes, I think the ANC would not only be routed, but pushed to the brink by the Boers. They’re not Jews. They’re not going to get on the trains. They’re going to massacre the blacks even joking about that and load their corpses on the trains “

    That would be the Anglo European warrior awakening. But yeah I imagine it would take a lot before it would happen on a large scale

  • Mike T says:


    That would be the Anglo European warrior awakening.

    The former President of SA sang about committing genocide against them. They’re pretty wide awake. It’s now only a waiting game. I think they have absolutely no illusions what’s coming.

    The role the Coloureds will play in it will be part of the determining factor. I don’t think the ANC has figured out that if they go after the whites, the Coloureds would have a good reason for many of them to fight alongside the whites. After all, if the blacks are gunning for your white neighbor today, they very well may come gunning for you tomorrow if you’re a Coloured who can’t pass for black (which most of them can’t).

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