Know your dance steps

May 28, 2016 § 414 Comments

The right-liberal dance steps in the Hegelian Mambo are really quite simple. It is a dance anyone can dance!

Step 1: Demonize whatever is just slightly more politically liberal than you are as “leftism“.

Step 2: Do everything in your power to keep the recent innovations of that “leftism” intact.

Step 3: Do everything in your power to keep the secular religion behind “leftism” intact.

(HT Malcolm).

Cafeteria traditionalism and Communion for unrepentant usurers

May 2, 2016 § 92 Comments

I left the following comment – which was removed by the moderator and not published, according to Disqus – on this article at The Remnant.  Apparently, pointing out that pre-Vatican II (and still ongoing) ‘pastoral mercy’ granted to unrepentant usurers is very similar to post Vatican II ‘pastoral mercy’ granted to unrepentant adulterers, was not considered on topic.

Or perhaps the observation doesn’t fit well with some other overarching narrative or worldview, I suppose.

The ‘whitewash away metaphysically realist doctrine with anti-realist pastoral accommodation’ thing has been done before, and is still fully in force in the case of usury. Humanae Vitae is simply becoming the new Vix Pervenit.

If you want to grasp what is currently happening in the domain of sex and marriage you need to first grasp what had already happened, before any of us were born and before Vatican II was a twinkle in John XXIII’s eye, in the domain of usury.

I document this in some detail here:

I’m not a regular reader of The Remnant, although I have some of the article author’s books.  As I understand it the title of the magazine refers to a putative small ‘remnant’ of orthodox Catholics in an ocean of heterodox cafeteria Catholics.

But some might think that deafening and willful silence about so-called ‘pastoral mercy’ toward unrepentant usurers combined with outrage over so-called ‘pastoral mercy’ toward unrepentant adulterers, is its own sort of cafeteria Catholicism.


According to the moderator it was just the inclusion of a link that got my comment removed.  That seems odd though, because there are other comments (for example this one) in that thread with links to outside websites, blogs, etc.

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