He’s opened up a can of something, anyway

June 11, 2010 § 1 Comment

(HT: The American Catholic)

Narrow-mindedness is for everyone

June 3, 2010 § 10 Comments

Every now and then, someone suggests that my understanding of what is morally permissible is that it – what is morally permissible – is more narrow than what the Church explicitly requires.

That is absolutely true.
What is more, your understanding of what is morally permissible should be more narrow than what the Church explicitly requires, because what is morally permissible is in fact more narrow than what the Church explicitly requires.
This is simple to demonstrate.
Observe that there are many moral questions, specific moral questions, which the Church does not explicitly adjudicate for us. Observe further that the possible answers to some of these moral questions are mutually exclusive: some particular answers being right necessarily entails others being wrong.
Therefore, the space of what is true morally is narrower than the space of what the Church explicitly requires morally.

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