Hate the sin

May 31, 2013 § 5 Comments

The idea that fornicating with the same person over and over again is morally superior to fornicating the same number of times with different people is pervasive.  I suspect that is because the relationship many are in right now began as a fornicationship; and if not one’s own relationship, perhaps it is true of many of the relationships of the people one loves.

Because of the pervasiveness of long term fornicationships, acts of fornication in a long term relationship have taken on a kind of sacred quality in our culture.  Folks are kind of sorry that they did it, but they aren’t really and fully sorry they did it.  Folks kinda sorta disapprove of the sin, but they don’t hate the sin.

But if you don’t hate sin, you are not a follower of Christ.

§ 5 Responses to Hate the sin

  • Cane Caldo says:


    Did you follow my comments at Dalrock’s?

  • Zippy says:

    Did you follow my comments at Dalrock’s?

    I’ve checked in to skim that thread a few times, but I probably missed a day or two. My on-line time has been pretty limited lately.

  • Elspeth says:


    You’re absolutely right, Zippy.

    Hard truths are hard to swallow, but they are no less true

  • Karl says:

    It is not easy to HATE what one perceives as being “necessary”; even when we know better…..or should know better. Walking the walk, is not so easy. I am grateful for the simple temptations I have faced, due only to the tremendous mercy of God, who knows me far better, than I. I do not merit such amazing grace.

  • Elspeth says:

    @ Karl:

    This is true, about being able to hate what one perceives as “necessary”. The thing we have to do is deal with the uncomfortable state of acknowledging the truth and the human tendency to whitewash our own sin. This is more of an issue for some people than others.

    I have found myself rather envious of those people who 1) haven’t done anything “big enough” to be able to identify with the rest of us, or 2) aren’t in a position where their past sins are directly connected to their present life as a tangible factor.

    I was actually very sympathetic (maybe empathetic is a better word) of the commenter on the other thread who was unable to see her premarital relationship with her husband for what it was.

    Black and white is black and white, but our hearts our often deal with the blackness by looking for shades of gray.

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